Truth be told, my lawn really needed the rain, but as I drove towards Afton this evening and my radio was saying "severe weather going through
Woodbury and Afton right now" I was not thinking of my lawn. Tonight was the first set of 5k time trials for the summer (we do them three times each summer). The time trial consists of a 5k skate, a bit of recovery, and then a 5k classic. Tonight I got to the time trial location on
Nybeck road 45 minutes early hoping to get a little extra skiing in, but this is what I saw rolling in:
Instead of skiing in I got to sit in my car and watch the clouds roll through and dump quite an impressive amount of rain. Fortunately by the time that we were supposed to start it had pretty much passed, and we were left with just a drizzle.

By the time we finished our warm up the rain had stopped and the sun had come out. It actually got pretty hot! (or at least muggy). The time trail went well. My arms could
definitely feel the 2:45 classic ski from Sunday, but I was still able to post a personal best time in the skate race (the classic was a bit slow for me). Dave should send out results in a day or two.
More pictures:

It was Cheryl's birthday, and that meant treats! But don't try to steal any of her brownie - she will cut you!
Nate 12:31
Derek 13:25
Paul 13:29
Dave 14:47
Angie 15:25
Cheryl 15:30
Kathleen 16:04
Katy 16:26
Allie 18:00
Nate 13:41
Derek 14:46
Paul 15:39
Dave 15:47
Cheryl 16:19
Kathleen 16:31
Angie 17:07
Katy 18:53
Allie 18:57
Nice job all!